Lake Superior College to host Integrated Manufacturing Open House on Thursday, December 10
November 25, 2020
Lake Superior College to host Integrated Manufacturing Open House on Thursday, December 10
Lake Superior College will host the annual Integrated Manufacturing Open House on Thursday, December 10, 2-6 p.m., at LSC’s Downtown Center, 120 N. 2nd Ave. W., Duluth, MN 55802.

Strong workforce demand for machinists, welders and engineering CAD designers continues in the Twin Ports region and beyond, even during the pandemic. Learn more about affordable training options in these career fields as well as how to apply for free to LSC. The Open House is free and open to the public, however due to COVID-19 related restrictions RSVPs are required and the event has been modified to ensure the safety of all guests.

The Open House will offer visitors an opportunity to check out the high-tech equipment at the downtown campus including computerized machines, 3D printers and scanners, robotic welders, waterjet and plasma cutting, CAD design software and more. Physically-distanced tours will take guests through the machining, welding and CAD lab facilities. Guests will be able to see programs in action and learn more about related program options, including:

Computer-aided Design

  • Engineering CAD Technology AAS
  • Engineering Technology AS
  • Engineering CAD Technology Diploma
  • Engineering CAD Technician
  • Solidworks (CAD) Certificate

Machine Tool

  • CNC Programmer – Machine Technology AAS
  • CNC Programmer – Machine Technology Diploma
  • Manual Machinist Certificate
  • Automated Machining Certificate
  • Rapid Prototyping and Design Certificate


  • Welding AAS
  • Welding Diploma
  • Welding Technologist Diploma
  • Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Production Certificate
  • Welding Certificate

In accordance with LSC’s COVID-19 Back-To-Campus Preparedness Plan and with guidance from the Minnesota Department of Health, masks and social distancing are required at all times on any LSC campus and all guests will be asked to complete an online COVID-19 screening survey. RSVPs are required, space is limited, and all tours will be scheduled in advance to ensure required physical distancing. Those interested also have the opportunity to schedule a tour on a different date and time. An admissions representative will follow up with registered guests to provide additional details.


David Kline
Vice President, Institutional Advancement and External Relations
(218) 733-6998
David Kline
Vice President, Institutional Advancement and External Relations
(218) 733-6998