To report an incident of sexual violence, dating violence, stalking, harassment or discrimination, or for additional information, contact any of the Title IX coordinators.  Reports may be made by:

  • An individual who has experienced sexual misconduct.
  • Anyone who receives a report from someone who experienced sexual misconduct; and/or
  • Anyone who witnesses or otherwise has information that sexual misconduct may have occurred.

Reports can be submitted anonymously.

We recognize that deciding to report sexual misconduct and choosing how to proceed are difficult decisions. We understand that your feelings about whether to report an incident and how to proceed may change over time. We support all survivors of sexual misconduct during this decision-making process. You may be uncertain at first about how to proceed. You may wish to speak with a confidential resource in LSC Counseling before deciding how to proceed. Although you can report sexual misconduct at any time, we encourage individuals to immediately report incidents of sexual misconduct. When making a report, you need not know what particular course of action to pursue or how to label what happened. For more information, please consult our Victim’s Bill of Rights.

To file a complaint, submit a sexual misconduct complaint report.

If you would like someone to support you during the complaint process or to explain this process, please contact Wade Gordon, Title IX Coordinator of Sarah Lyons, Deputy Title IX Coordinator for assistance.