State Tuition Reimbursement Eligibility:
- You must be a member of the Minnesota National Guard.
- You become eligible upon the day you enlist.
- Payments cannot be distributed until completion of BCT.
- You must remain in the ARNG during the course term.
- You are eligible with E1 to O5, including Warrant Officers.
- Army must apply for FTA to be eligible for STR.
Benefits provided:
State Tuition Reimbursement (STR) pays up to 100 percent of your tuition after you successfully complete your coursework. The maximum reimbursement is 100 percent of the undergraduate rate at the University of Minnesota.
The lifetime maximum STR benefit is for 144 semester credits, except for the following extensions.
STR has been extended for a period of two years, plus the amount of time equal to the duration of your active service if you:
- have satisfactorily completed your service contract in the Minnesota National Guard.
- have served honorably in federal active service or federally-funded state active service since September 11, 2001.
An extension of eight years beyond your separation date will be made if you were separated or discharged from that service due to a service-connected injury, disease, or disability.
Application procedures:
You MUST contact your unit’s full-time representative to obligate funds as soon as you know you will be going to school. You must be able to provide the name of the school, approximate start date, and number of credits you plan to take during the term.
To receive your reimbursement check once the term has been completed, you MUST request reimbursement and submit copies of your grade(s) and tuition/fee statement to your unit’s full-time representative. You should receive your reimbursement check within 30 days. If you fail to obligate funds (as mentioned above), you may be required to wait until June 30 to receive reimbursement.