Part 1: Purpose

The purpose of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to protect the rights and well-being of human research subjects by reviewing and approving proposals for research on human subjects that (a) is sponsored or conducted by the college, its faculty, staff, or students, or (b) has as its subjects the college’s faculty, staff, or students.

Part 2: Policy Statement

Lake Superior College (LSC) has formed an Institutional Review Board with the authority to approve, require modifications, or disapprove any research activities that fall within its jurisdiction or under the auspices of the college  No human subjects research shall be conducted at LSC without first obtaining IRB review and approval.

Part 3: Definitions

Subpart A: Research

Research means a systematic investigation designed to contribute to generalized knowledge.

Subpart B: Human Subjects

Human subjects are living persons about whom an investigator obtains identifiable private information or with whom the investigator intervenes or interacts.

Subpart C: Human Subjects Research

Human subjects research ordinarily does not include:

  1. Surveys, interviews, or other studies conducted for institutional use or improvement only.
  2. Assessment of student learning at the course, program, or college level.
  3. Secondary analysis of publicly available data or de-identified private data.
  4. Research conducted by students as part of routine course assignments for the sole purpose of achieving the academic goals of the course.

Policy History

Date Implemented: February 3, 2005

Date Updated: October 30, 2014

Date Reviewed/Updated: January 2022

History: LSC policy 3.50 (previously numbered as 3.30) included procedure. Procedure separated out and updated to create procedure 3.50.1.

President’s Signature Date: April 28, 2022

Lake Superior College's President's Signature